Otoe-Missouria Tribe Case Study
Providing for Our PeopleAbout the Tribe
The Otoe-Missouria Tribe is a Red Rock, Oklahoma-based Native American tribe with nearly 3,000 members. The Otoe-Missouria Tribe faces the unfortunate and all-too-common struggles plaguing Indian country today:
- staggering unemployment rates,
- limited opportunities, and
- lack of access to fundamental resources.
In an increasingly competitive gaming environment, in which the Tribe has witnessed competitors open casinos in painful proximities, we continue to feel the seemingly insurmountable pressures of finding ways to relieve our gaming operations of the disproportionate burden of providing for our members.

Supporting Economic Growth & Tribal Development
In 2009, the Otoe-Missouria Tribe took a giant leap in developing economic opportunities for the Tribe and its members – establishing itself in the internet commerce arena. Internet commerce has been an invaluable vehicle for supporting economic growth, tribal services, and tribal development. Internet commerce’s potential impact on tribal growth and opportunity is immeasurable. Its effects have already proven tremendously critical for tribal advancement and financial assistance.
The Tribe’s Internet Commerce Initiatives
The budget of the internet commerce company accounts for 25% of the Non-federal Tribal budget.
Created 65 jobs on Tribal land, including financial support staff, Head Start educators, and Tribal housing personnel.
Critical funding for new tribal housing and renovation.
Additional classrooms, books, and teachers for Head Start, New after-school program, New Summer Youth program.
Tribal Services
Child Care Services, employment training, natural resources development, financial assistance, utility assistance, healthcare, and wellness coverage, emergency assistance.
Social Services
Child protection, low- income Home Energy Assistance Program, and family violence protection.
Internet Commerce & the Future
Otoe-Missouria internet commerce initiatives do not just support basic, fundamental needs for tribal operations and services. They extend the opportunity for the tribe to move beyond the bottom line of OTOE-MISSOURIA TRIBE INTERNET COMMERCE: HELPING OUR PEOPLE economic footing. Internet commerce gives the Tribe hope to depart from struggles of survival to the pathways of legitimate possibilities for economic prosperity and success